Do you truly know thyself?

by | Jul 1, 2022 | Self-Aware, Self-love

I recently hosted a fascinating episode on News For The Soul Radio on the inspired topic of “Know Thyself”.

But, what does that mean exactly?

As we move through our developmental years, we mimic, mirror, and model our surroundings. It’s how we have evolved as a species – to seek social acceptance through mirroring others. We accumulate a collection of behaviours and beliefs that mould who we think we are relative to the world around us.

Development of the self

As we copy our environment throughout our lives, we echo and imprint our parents’, families’, and communities’ beliefs and behaviours into ourselves. We build pieces of those around us into ourselves so that we are perceived as friendly and welcomed by those around us.

We use this modelling to develop our understanding of our identity… but it isn’t truly our identity! It is an amalgamation of expectations superimposed over our true selves.

This can lead to a skewed perception of self as we lose touch with how we really feel. These external influences taint our self-image. We can no longer determine our true selves and confuse who we are with where we came from. We can no longer answer questions like these with ease:

  • What do I want?
  • What’s next for me?
  • What’s my purpose?

Fitting in vs changing for the better

There you are, sitting amongst the chorus of external perceptions of who you think you need to be in order to fit into the world… but you weren’t built to “fit in”, you intended to change the world.

So, what’s the solution? Authentic expression has become all the rage. THIS is your power position! When you step into the truth of who you are, that is the place of personal empowerment. Living authentically is the vehicle to your highest joy, peace, purpose and prosperity.

Digestion help for your soul

That’s a lot to digest, I know, but you don’t have to do it alone. You cannot fix this abundance of noise with yet another external voice telling you who you are. You have to be given the space and guidance to do it yourself. I can support you in connecting to your truth and discovering for yourself who you authentically are.

In our M.A.P. program, I recently took our members for a deep dive in discovering this for themselves. You can find out more about my group coaching plan right here. Here’s the replay to the full episode of News For The Soul. Have a listen and experience a deeper connection to your authentic self. You’ll be amazed at the awesomeness within you!



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