< 2022 >
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    Awakened Webcast Series - Spiritual Mentorship!

    14:00 -15:00
    Enter a safe and supportive space, filled with like-minded growth-seekers. A place where you can finally let go, heal, and expand your connection to your Divine nature.
    Through the Mastering Ascension Portal, you will gain access to all the tools and support you need to amplify your inner work and accelerate your personal evolution.

    Your program includes:

    • Live Monthly Group Healing Session (2nd Tuesday @ 2PM AST)
    • Healing replay library (over 60 hrs of content from previous sessions)
    • Simple Strategies video series library
    • Meditation & Healing library
    • Workbooks, quick tips, and cheat-sheets
    • Limiting belief questionnaires and guidebook library

    Complimentary Bonuses:

    • Weekly Healing Downloads direct to your inbox
    • Private Community & Forum

    Get access to the Mastering Ascension Portal here: M.A.P 

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    ThetaHealing® Foundations Series - Basic & Advanced DNA

    09:00 -17:00

    ThetaHealing addresses the limiting subconscious beliefs which hold you back from your true potential, optimum health, and profound joy. Remove these blocks and watch yourself flourish!

    ThetaHealing is right when you are ready to:
    • Unlock the wisdom of your inner world
    • Learn the tools and gain resources to accelerate your personal growth and spiritual development.
    • Stop toxic patterns in their tracks
    • Free yourself from the emotional baggage that is dragging in your wake.
    • Release the Inner tug-of-war that robs you of joy
    • Trust yourself to make powerful, purposeful decisions that create real, lasting change.
    • Experience the Universe consistently working for you instead of against you.
    • Release limiting beliefs, fears, and mental blocks, with ease. No longer stuck in toxic patterns, free to create the life of your dreams.

    • Accelerate your personal growth and spiritual development
    •Release yourself from your Inner tug-of-war that robs you of joy
    • Feel fulfilled in your purpose and your authentic expression.

    Basic DNA Seminar Details:
    Location: ONLINE (Private & Interactive Zoom Platform)
    Date: July 14-16th, 2022
    Time: Thursday – Saturday from 9-5PM

    The ThetaHealing teaches a simple yet powerful technique that can be mastered by anyone. Learn the tools that will empower you to release yourself from old patterns, create radiant health, develop harmonious relationships, and craft an abundant future. In these fun, experiential and interactive workshops, you will discover how to easily access the Subconscious Mind, experience deep healing creating positive and lasting changes in your life.

    The Basic ThetaHealing Course Curriculum covers:
    • The power of the mind, thoughts and language in your life
    • How to access infinite knowledge and wisdom to enhance your life
    • Principles of the Law of Attraction
    • The Theta brainwave 5 brainwaves: Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta & Gamma
    • Release subconscious limiting beliefs and feelings that create obstacles in your life
    • How to install empowering beliefs and feelings to enhance your daily life
    • Align your conscious and subconscious mind to conquer your goals.
    • Develop your intuitive abilities
    • Principles of Energy Healing and how to access and use Source Energy
    • How to attract abundance into your life
    • And so much more!

    Advanced DNA Seminar Details:
    Location: ONLINE (Private & Interactive Zoom Platform)
    Date: July 16-18th, 2022
    Time: Saturday from 1-5 PM (Review Basics), Sunday & Monday 9-5PM

    The Advanced ThetaHealing curriculum covers:

    • Healing and Clearing the 3 R’s: Resentment, Regret and Rejection
    • Clearing disempowering vows, commitments, obligations and contracts
    • Learn and practice the “Baby in the Womb” and “Heal the Broken Soul” exercises.
    • Manifesting Your Dreams
    • Attracting your Soulmate
    • Explore work with the 7 Planes of Existence with techniques and discuss topics such as:
    • Programing Inanimate objects
    • Communicate with Plants & the elemental realms
    • Healing animals
    • Clearing Ancestral Trauma, accessing genetic wisdom and communicating with the Spirit realm
    • Connecting with Ascended Masters, Angels, guides, higher self and Deities
    • Exploring the Laws of the Universe and exploring the Akashic records.
    • Bending Time and more
    • Receive 500+ Healing downloads from your instructor bringing profound healing and insights.

    Registration Options:
    Foundations Bundle – Strengthen your mindset and secure your foundations to allow for stable growth.

    Core Competency Bundle – Turbo-charge your progress and experience the rapid transformation you crave. (Follow up with: Dig Deeper & You & Creator in the Fall)


    Individual Seminar – $555 + Applicable Taxes (EACH level):

    Review all your options and details on the ThetaHealing homepage here: https://masteringascension.com/thetahealing/

    About the Facilitator:

    Meet your Inner World Guide
    Welcome! My name is Anik.

    I was a survivor but now I’m so much more. I’ve fought against domestic abuse, self-destructive behaviours and co-dependency while dealing with debilitating allergies, fibromyalgia, and depression. My life looked great on paper, (manager of a multi-million dollar firm by age 30), but I was empty inside, and still I refused to let go of the struggle paradigm I was indoctrinated into, as so many of us are. It was destroying me.

    The constant struggle became too much. Eventually, my attachments dissolved, and I surrendered to my soul’s call. A decade ago, I took a leap of faith and let it all go – my career and all its financial security – and trusted in my heart to lead the way.

    Through this inner journey, I found the answers I needed to move forward. Those layers of fear and limiting beliefs no longer enslave me. I allowed my authentic self to emerge and with it came a strength, inner knowing, and peace I never knew possible. I want to share this roadmap with you. There’s no need for you to settle, struggle, or suffer, I am here to guide you.

    I’ve been there; I’ve felt that yearning for more. You can find your way to empowerment without struggle; you simply need to be open and committed to change. I can help you find your unique path to experience your deepest desires. The only question is, are you ready to set aside your old limitations and claim the joy, love, and freedom that is waiting for you in escrow?

    Discover the comfortable and non-judgmental space that I love to create for you.
    Ready, Set, Grow!…

    Big Love!


    Anik J. Malenfant
    Global Healer, Educator & Speaker,
    ThetaHealing® Instructor
    Syndicated Radio Host – News for the Soul Broadcasting Network

    Energy psychology qualifications:
    ThetaHealing® Certifications: Instructor & Practitioner – Basic & Advanced DNA • Dig Deeper • You & Creator • Your and Your Inner Circle • Manifesting & Abundance Instructor • ThetaHealing Intuitive Anatomy • World Relations • SoulMates • Family Ties • Rhythm and Game of Life Practitioner
    CranioSacral Therapist • Certified Chios® Master Teacher • Former Chios Council Member • Reiki Master Teacher • Choice® Theory, Reality Therapy® & Lead-Management.

    Founder: The YOUnified Method • Anxiety-Free Me • Conscious-preneur Prosperity • Chakra Wisdom • Manifesting Abundance Masterclass • Applied Mindfulness.

    Registration Options:
    Foundations Bundle – Strengthen your mindset and secure your foundations to allow for stable growth.

    Core Competency Bundle – Turbo-charge your progress and experience the rapid transformation you crave. (Follow up with: Dig Deeper & You & Creator in the Fall)

    Individual Seminar – $555 + Applicable Taxes (EACH level):
    Review all your options and details on the ThetaHealing homepage here: https://masteringascension.com/thetahealing/

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    You & Your Inner Circle

    09:00 -17:00

    Vital for leaders, business owners, CEOs, and those who desire deep, empowering relationships through every step of life.

    “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
    ~Abraham Lincoln

    The people who occupy most of your time have a huge impact on your life. Their influence can impact everything from your self-esteem to your media consumption.

    The You and Your Inner Circle seminar helps you to make sound choices on how to have healthy boundaries for yourself as well as improve your relationships with those around you by knowing yourself and them more deeply.

    This supports you in allowing others to be who and where they are and loving them unconditionally, whilst honoring your needs and boundaries from a place of unconditional self-love as well.

    In this program, you will learn to distinguish between the child, adult, and sage phases of development which is a key instrument to your own growth as well as; holding space for your loved ones, colleagues, and clients to better help them move forward.

    Pre-requisites: Basic, Advanced & Dig Deeper Certification

    The You and Your Inner Circle
    ThetaHealing Curriculum covers:

    • Create healthy, clear, and stronger internal and external boundaries
    • Having loving and harmonious relationships with the world without needing to be on the same page or share the same world views.
    • Recognizing who should be in your inner, middle, and outer circles and making that decision for yourself without fear, guilt, or judgment.
    • Unconditional acceptance: Allowing others to be who, where and what they are and giving yourself permission to do the same.
    • Expanding your capacity to be authentic and vulnerable by surrounding yourself with the most aligned support system for your needs.
    • Having more trust and faith in yourself and in your relationships.
    • Know Thyself on a deeper level than before and understand why you respond or are triggered differently by different people or different situations.
    • Understanding the Child, Adult, and Sage Developmental Stages and how to navigate them for growth and easier relationships.
    • Allowing yourself to RECEIVE support and ASK for help.

    We teach you why your inner circle changes, why you shift your friends around, and what kind of souls to surround yourself with so you are charged and feel good to continue giving back to the world.

    Date: July 23 & 24th from 9-5PM ADT
    Location: Online – Interactive Zoom Platform

    Registration Details:
    Pre-requisites: Basic, Advanced & Dig Deeper Certification
    Individual Seminar – $555 + Applicable Taxes

    Register here: https://masteringascension.com/theta-healing-event-registration/

    About the Facilitator:
    Meet your Inner World Guide

    Welcome! My name is Anik.
    I was a survivor but now I’m so much more. I’ve fought against domestic abuse, self-destructive behaviors, and co-dependency while dealing with debilitating allergies, fibromyalgia, and depression.

    My life looked great on paper, (manager of a multi-million dollar firm by age 30), but I was empty inside, and still I refused to let go of the struggle paradigm I was indoctrinated into, as so many of us are. It was destroying me.

    The constant struggle became too much. Eventually, my attachments dissolved, and I surrendered to my soul’s call. A decade ago, I took a leap of faith and let it all go – my career and all its financial security – and trusted in my heart to lead the way.

    Through this inner journey, I found the answers I needed to move forward. Those layers of fear and limiting beliefs no longer enslave me. I allowed my authentic self to emerge and with it came a strength, inner knowing, and peace I never knew possible. I want to share this roadmap with you. There’s no need for you to settle, struggle, or suffer, I am here to guide you.

    I’ve been there; I’ve felt that yearning for more. You can find your way to empowerment without struggle; you simply need to be open and committed to change. I can help you find your unique path to experience your deepest desires. The only question is, are you ready to set aside your old limitations and claim the joy, love, and freedom that is waiting for you in escrow?

    Discover the comfortable and non-judgmental space that I love to create for you.

    Ready, Set, Grow!…

    Big Love!


    Anik J. Malenfant
    Global Healer, Educator & Speaker,
    ThetaHealing® Instructor
    Executive Contributor – Brainz Magazine
    Syndicated Radio Host – News for the Soul Broadcasting Network

    Energy psychology qualifications:
    ThetaHealing® Certifications: Instructor & Practitioner – Basic & Advanced DNA • Dig Deeper • You & Creator • Manifesting & Abundance Instructor – Your and Your Inner Circle • ThetaHealing Intuitive Anatomy • World Relations • SoulMates • Family Ties • Rhythm and Game of Life Practitioner
    CranioSacral Therapist • Certified Chios® Master Teacher • Former Chios Council Member • Reiki Master Teacher • Choice® Theory, Reality Therapy & Lead-Management.

    Founder: The YOUnified Method • Anxiety-Free Me • Conscious-preneur Prosperity • Chakra Wisdom • Manifesting Abundance Masterclass • Applied Mindfulness.

    Registration Options:

    Individual Seminar – $555 + Applicable Taxes
    Register here: https://masteringascension.com/theta-healing-event-registration/

  • 26

    Radio Show: Dream Life Mastery

    14:00 -15:00
    Dream Life Mastery Radio show us dedicated to offering you healing and insights so that you can transform your dreams into reality.
    Your host, Anik J. Malenfant is passionate about discovering the secrets of the Universe and how we can use that wisdom to harmonize our inner world as well as manifest our deepest desires.
    She is a trained Medical Intuitive, Mindset Coach, and Inspirational Speaker and her focus is helping the silently suffering access the power of their subconscious mind so they can overcome their challenges and create the life they deserve to lead.
    Tune in for today’s show and explore our inspired topic!
    News for the Soul is an Internationally Syndicated Broadcasting Network who’s been empowering live since 1997.
    If you are in Southern California: you can listen live on KCAA Radio 102.3 FM
    International listeners can tune in via the station’s website: Newsforthesoul.com
    Call in with your questions at: 646-595-4274
    The Show runs every 4th Tuesday of the Month at 11AM PST – 2PM AST
    Access my past show archives here
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    Master your Craft

    18:00 -20:00

    Master your Craft – Healing Event

    On July 28th, I’ll be hosting our second Master your Craft event from 6:00PM to 8:00 PM ADT (via Zoom) and I’d love for you to join us!

    You won’t just enjoy the support, community, healing, inspiration & fun.
    How this will benefit you, your business and your clients is the following and more:

    💛 Merge Purpose & Prosperity, no longer having to choose one or the other! Yes you can have your cake and eat it too!
    💛 Release money block – Recognize the value of your service and be compensated appropriately
    💛 Increase your confidence in your gifts and yourself as a practitioner
    💛 Clarify, connect and attract your soulmate clients
    💛 Expand your impact in the world as you develop your skills

    I’ll be offering guidance on technique, support if you get stuck, and community support with breakout rooms.

    Use any of your tools in your toolbox, you are not limited to using only ThetaHealing. This is a great opportunity to master your craft in a safe and supported environment.
    It’s also an excellent opportunity for you, who gives so much, to receive healing and expand your learning.

    What’s on the menu:
    💫 Guidance on Growing your Practice
    🔥 Hot Seat Healing – Demo & Group Healing From Anik
    👥 Swap sessions with support/check-ins
    ❓ Q & A session

    👉🏼Register here: https://buy.stripe.com/00g8yd1Zx1wVaGYfYZ

    I know you’ll enjoy this quality time with your soul tribe, looking forward to sharing a fun and expansive evening with you! 🥰

    (Registered attendees will receive a recording of the Group portion of the session)
    Big Love! 🙏🏼



Video Resources

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