< 2022 >
  • 08

    Awakened Webcast Series - Spiritual Mentorship!

    14:00 -15:00
    Enter a safe and supportive space, filled with like-minded growth-seekers. A place where you can finally let go, heal, and expand your connection to your Divine nature.
    Through the Mastering Ascension Portal, you will gain access to all the tools and support you need to amplify your inner work and accelerate your personal evolution.

    Your program includes:

    • Live Monthly Group Healing Session (2nd Tuesday @ 2PM AST)
    • Healing replay library (over 60 hrs of content from previous sessions)
    • Simple Strategies video series library
    • Meditation & Healing library
    • Workbooks, quick tips, and cheat-sheets
    • Limiting belief questionnaires and guidebook library

    Complimentary Bonuses:

    • Weekly Healing Downloads direct to your inbox
    • Private Community & Forum

    Get access to the Mastering Ascension Portal here: M.A.P 

  • 11

    ThetaHealing® Dig Deeper

    09:00 -17:00

    The Dig Deeper ThetaHealing Seminar will help you master the art of getting to the core of the issue with less time and effort for accelerated results.
    It will give you the confidence at digging you need to find your clients’ core beliefs.
    One of the best ways to improve your ThetaHealing abilities.
    Experience making digging fun, easy, and more effective.

    Dig Deeper – Seminar goals
    • Review Basic and Advanced DNA
    • Comfortably discover the elusive and deep subconscious thoughts and beliefs that block you
    • Learn the importance of Virtues and Lessons and how to use them in your practice
    • Learn the importance of digging to comfortably discover the deep and elusive subconscious thoughts and beliefs that limit us from achieving our goals
    • Learn the 8 digging shortcuts
    • Discover new clues to look for when digging, making the process easier and faster
    • Gain confidence in your ability to dig deeper effectively
    This course fills the prerequisite for all further ThetaHealing Seminars.

    Dig Deeper Seminar Details:
    Location: ONLINE (Private & Interactive Zoom Platform)
    Date: November 11 & 12th, 2022
    Time: Friday & Saturday 9-5 PM AST

    Registration Options:
    Foundations Bundle – Strengthen your mindset and secure your foundations to allow for stable growth.
    Core Competency Bundle – Turbo-charge your progress and experience the rapid transformation you crave.
    Individual Seminar – $555 CAD + Applicable Taxes:
    Review all your options and details on the ThetaHealing homepage here: https://masteringascension.com/thetahealing/

    About the Facilitator:
    Meet your Inner World Guide
    Welcome! My name is Anik.

    I was a survivor but now I’m so much more. I’ve fought against domestic abuse, self-destructive behaviours and co-dependency while dealing with debilitating allergies, fibromyalgia, and depression. My life looked great on paper, (manager of a multi-million dollar firm by age 30), but I was empty inside, and still I refused to let go of the struggle paradigm I was indoctrinated into, as so many of us are. It was destroying me.

    The constant struggle became too much. Eventually, my attachments dissolved, and I surrendered to my soul’s call. A decade ago, I took a leap of faith and let it all go – my career and all its financial security – and trusted in my heart to lead the way.

    Through this inner journey, I found the answers I needed to move forward. Those layers of fear and limiting beliefs no longer enslave me. I allowed my authentic self to emerge and with it came a strength, inner knowing, and peace I never knew possible. I want to share this roadmap with you. There’s no need for you to settle, struggle, or suffer, I am here to guide you.

    I’ve been there; I’ve felt that yearning for more. You can find your way to empowerment without struggle; you simply need to be open and committed to change. I can help you find your unique path to experience your deepest desires. The only question is, are you ready to set aside your old limitations and claim the joy, love, and freedom that is waiting for you in escrow?

    Discover the comfortable and non-judgmental space that I love to create for you.
    Ready, Set, Grow!…

    Big Love!


    Anik J. Malenfant

    Global Healer, Educator & Speaker,
    ThetaHealing® Instructor
    Executive Contributor – Brainz Magazine
    Syndicated Radio Host – News for the Soul Broadcasting Network
    Energy psychology qualifications:
    ThetaHealing® Certifications: Instructor & Practitioner – Basic & Advanced DNA • Dig Deeper • You & Creator • Manifesting & Abundance Instructor – Your and Your Inner Circle • ThetaHealing Intuitive Anatomy • World Relations • SoulMates • Family Ties • Rhythm and Game of Life Practitioner
    CranioSacral Therapist • Certified Chios® Master Teacher • Former Chios Council Member • Reiki Master Teacher • Choice® Theory, Reality Therapy & Lead-Management.

    Founder: The YOUnified Method • Anxiety-Free Me • Conscious-preneur Prosperity • Chakra Wisdom • Manifesting Abundance Masterclass • Applied Mindfulness.

    Registration Options:
    Foundations Bundle – Strengthen your mindset and secure your foundations to allow for stable growth.

    Core Competency Bundle – Turbo-charge your progress and experience the rapid transformation you crave.

    Individual Seminar – $499 + Applicable Taxes:
    Review all your options and details on the ThetaHealing homepage here: https://masteringascension.com/thetahealing/

  • 13

    You & Creator - ThetaHealing

    09:00 -17:00

    This powerful seminar will deepen your connection with the Creator, the Divine Source Energy, and help you receive clearer guidance moving forward. Your relationship with the Creator impacts every area of your being, acting as a foundational mirror, reflecting and amplifying the patterns in your life. This seminar will open up your psychic abilities even further and move you forward as you become able to easily recognize when you are being led into old patterns of self-sabotage.

    In the You & Creator seminar, you will discover the difference between your divine self, your undercurrent self, your ego, and your survival mind. You will develop discernment between the Creator’s voice and your ego, between your soul’s truth and your deepest fears. You will truly get to know yourself and your motivations, learning to recognize true intuition instead of simply responding from fear or from limiting embedded patterning.

    In this seminar, you will:
    • Explore the Survival mind, an undercurrent and ego aspect that when unbalanced disempowers our capacity to powerfully co-create our desires.
    • Develop clarity and trust in your intuitive capacities
    • Gain a heightened level of inner peace and wholeness
    • Learn to confidently live and express yourself authentically, in integrity with the highest vibration of love
    • Learn a new format of digging to help you discern between your survival mind, undercurrent and higher mind
    • Work with the planes of existence and discern which can offer various perspectives
    • Discover a powerful healing to improve your relationship with time through the Mind Reset technique.
    • Clear your limiting beliefs about the Creator to fundamentally expand your manifesting ability
    • Improve your relationships with yourself, wealth, the world and the Creator

    This seminar comes with a complimentary copy of the You and Creator Book by Vianna Stibal and a class manual. Once completed, you will be recognized as a You and Creator practitioner with THInK.
    You and the Creator is now a prerequisite for Intuitive Anatomy and becoming a ThetaHealing Instructor.

    Pre-requisites: Basic, Advanced & Dig Deeper Certification

    Date: November 13 & 14,2022
    Time: Sunday – Monday from 9-5PM

    Registration Options:

    Foundations Bundle – Strengthen your mindset and secure your foundations to allow for stable growth.

    Ascension Series Bundle – Turbo-charge your progress and experience the rapid transformation you crave.


    Individual Seminar – $555 + Applicable Taxes

    Review all your options and details on the ThetaHealing homepage here: https://masteringascension.com/thetahealing/


    Meet your Inner World Guide
    Welcome! My name is Anik.

    I was a survivor but now I’m so much more. I’ve fought against domestic abuse, self-destructive behaviours and co-dependency while dealing with debilitating allergies, fibromyalgia, and depression. My life looked great on paper, (manager of a multi-million dollar firm by age 30), but I was empty inside, and still I refused to let go of the struggle paradigm I was indoctrinated into, as so many of us are. It was destroying me.

    The constant struggle became too much. Eventually, my attachments dissolved, and I surrendered to my soul’s call. A decade ago, I took a leap of faith and let it all go – my career and all its financial security – and trusted in my heart to lead the way.

    Through this inner journey, I found the answers I needed to move forward. Those layers of fear and limiting beliefs no longer enslave me. I allowed my authentic self to emerge and with it came a strength, inner knowing, and peace I never knew possible. I want to share this roadmap with you. There’s no need for you to settle, struggle, or suffer, I am here to guide you.

    I’ve been there; I’ve felt that yearning for more. You can find your way to empowerment without struggle; you simply need to be open and committed to change. I can help you find your unique path to experience your deepest desires. The only question is, are you ready to set aside your old limitations and claim the joy, love, and freedom that is waiting for you in escrow?

    Discover the comfortable and non-judgmental space that I love to create for you.
    Ready, Set, Grow!…

    Big Love!


    Anik J. Malenfant
    Healer, Educator & Speaker,
    ThetaHealing® Instructor
    Executive Contributor – Brainz Magazine
    Former Radio Host – News for the Soul Broadcasting Network


    Energy psychology qualifications:
    ThetaHealing® Certifications: Instructor & Practitioner – Basic & Advanced DNA • Dig Deeper • You & Creator • Manifesting & Abundance Instructor – Your and Your Inner Circle • ThetaHealing Intuitive Anatomy • World Relations • SoulMates • Family Ties • Rhythm and Game of Life Practitioner
    CranioSacral Therapist • Certified Chios® Master Teacher • Former Chios Council Member • Reiki Master Teacher • Choice® Theory, Reality Therapy & Lead-Management.

    Founder: The YOUnified Method • Anxiety-Free Me • Conscious-preneur Prosperity • Chakra Wisdom • Manifesting Abundance Masterclass • Applied Mindfulness.

    Registration Options:
    Foundations Bundle – Strengthen your mindset and secure your foundations to allow for stable growth.

    Core Competency Bundle – Turbo-charge your progress and experience the rapid transformation you crave.

    Individual Seminar – $555 + Applicable Taxes:
    Review all your options and details on the ThetaHealing homepage here: https://masteringascension.com/thetahealing/

  • 24

    Master your Craft - Healing Event

    18:00 -20:00

    Master your Craft – Healing Event

    On November 24th, I’ll be hosting our Master your Craft event from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM Atlantic (via Zoom), and I’d love for you to join us!

    You won’t just enjoy the support, community, healing, inspiration & fun.

    How this will benefit you, your business, and your clients is the following and more: 

    💛 Merge Purpose & Prosperity, no longer having to choose one or the other! Yes, you can have your cake and eat it too! 

    💛Release money blocks – Recognize the value of your service and be compensated appropriately.

    💛 Increase your confidence in your gifts and yourself as a practitioner.

    💛 Clarify, connect and attract your soulmate clients.

    💛 Expand your impact in the world as you develop your skills!


    I’ll be offering guidance on technique, support if you get stuck, and community support with breakout rooms. 

    Use any of your tools in your toolbox; you are not limited to using only ThetaHealing. This is a great opportunity to master your craft in a safe and supported environment.

    It’s also an excellent opportunity for you, who gives so much, to receive healing and expand your learning.

    What’s on the menu:

    💫 Guidance on Growing your Practice

    🔥 Hot Seat Healing – Demo & Group Healing From Anik 

    👥 Swap sessions with support/check-ins

    ❓ Q & A session


    Sacred exchange: $30 +tax*


    Register here 👉🏼: https://buy.stripe.com/00g8yd1Zx1wVaGYfYZ


    I know you’ll enjoy this quality time with your soul tribe; looking forward to sharing a fun and expansive evening with you!

    Big Love!




    “I really appreciated my time at the Master Your Craft event. It was so beneficial to practice with other practitioners as we’ve all got tips and processes that can be shared, and you get a healing. 

    I wouldn’t change a thing.

    ~Michele Phillips

    “I really enjoyed the first Master Your Craft webcast !! It was full of nuggets of wisdom, practical suggestions and healing downloads to inspire and contribute to moving forward in practicing Thetahealing.

    For me it was the right amount of practice and learning. Your teaching and the experiences and input of the other participants was inspiring and opened up insight into areas to work on and develop in my journey. Thank you.”

    ~ Sue

    “I loved Master your Craft! There was so much good stuff there! I got a lot out of it from a business perspective, and some of the downloads were useful because I freaked out when I interviewed for a new position at my current place of employment. I was offered – and accepted – the position. But there was some work that I needed to do, and Master your Craft helped me do that.”

    ~Michelle Nichols



Video Resources

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