3 Key Elements to Align with your Divine Purpose

by | Mar 26, 2014 | Mindset, Subconscious Programing

3 Essential Elements to Align with Your Divine Purpose

So… you are listening to that inner draw, that nagging, that has been poking at you for some time. You’ve discovered that there is more for you to do, a deeper contribution that calls to your soul. You have awakened a sleeping dragon within you and feel that if you don’t start moving in this direction… you may just implode! It’s not about whether or not you should do this… It’s now about the how; getting your perspective wrapped around the here to there of your transformation.

So you’ve got fear…

That fear is what is holding you back from really stepping into your power and owning it. Let me share something that I’ve discovered through my own transformation and by aligning numerous people to their Divine Purpose… The Truth about your Divine Purpose is that it is created, designed, and based on your personal passions and desires. You can let go of the fears – “what if I am not cut out for this”, “am I qualified to do this”, “how can I support myself doing what I love?”. Your path was decided and designed by you and for you… and when you are in ultimate alignment with your purpose you can be nothing but abundant in all aspects of your life.

You are going to ROCK THIS!

When you are in full alignment with your Divine purpose, not only will this bring you deep personal fulfilment and joy, it will also bring you prosperity and ongoing personal expansion.

Here are 3 key elements that contribute to your transition towards your goals.

1)   Your Story, Ideal client, Ideal work environment, who will you serve and how will that help you further your own personal evolution?

This is where most people get stuck, they know they are able to help many people and essentially everyone could likely benefit from your gift… but instead of being everything to everyone, you will really excel in what you do when it’s about further expanding yourself and your own development.  Think about it and don’t worry about it being too specific, for that group will expand out and evolve with you.  With almost 8 Billion souls out there… Really…there are enough people for you to work with…

2)   Creating the Physical/Virtual Aspect of your spiritual calling.

What, where and how do you want to provide your service or product? In-person, over the phone/Internet, in groups, for individuals, within an existing company or entrepreneurship… and again… Yes… All of the above is possible… But pick one or two to start that are easiest for you and align with your current situation. The rest will evolve and grow as you do.

3)   Getting out there!

Awesome, now that you have decided the who, how and what, where is the best place to reach these souls or opportunities?  Now… This is were the tightness in the chest, the procrastination and the roadblocks will often appear for many if they haven’t in the first two steps. A great way for you to overcome this obstacle is to imagine what your perfect or ideal interaction with someone you can be of service to.

This is where your personal why and theirs meet.  What do you love helping people with and what benefits can they experience? Remember they may not have any idea about your technique, approach, skills or product… What transformation or benefits have you or those you have worked with witnessed and how can it or does it apply to them and their needs or challenge, this is what is important to them. This is YOUR message.

Now, here is a common misconception…

Why, if it’s my calling and my divine purpose is it not simply falling in my lap? The truth is… the road is clear… the obstacles are a manifestation of your subconscious fears, limiting beliefs and programs.  Many times, simply identifying these blocks and fears and following them to their root cause is enough to diffuse them, and sometimes, the programs run so deep, that we need some help to overcome them.

You might be surprised to discover that your biggest fear and set back is that of you being successful… I know it might sound crazy… BUT 75% of fear that has really proven to be real a paralyzer has been that of actually achieving your goal…

Now, there is no blanket process, the truth and fun part about being human is… we are all unique… which makes things interesting…So start imaging the unfolding of your desired path and see what internal blocks, fears or programs you might have running in the background that are really holding you back from stepping fully into your Divine Purpose.

If you aren’t yet aware of what these are, just remember, you are a powerful creator, so if your reality doesn’t align with your desires, then you have blocks.  I love it when my clients show me their “buts”, anything that follows I would like that but… Is the tip of the iceberg of your block…

I trust this has given you something to chew on as you contemplate and reflect on your next steps to a divinely guided career or business.

Love seeing you shine!

Big Love,
Anik J. Malenfant
Transformational Mentor, Educator & Speaker

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