It’s time to talk – what’s right or wrong for you?

by | Dec 20, 2021 | Mindset, Self-Aware, Self-love, Subconscious Programing, Success, Transformation

It’s time to talk… with yourself!

Have you had a chat with your inner self yet today?

You read that right and I’m serious… I’m sure by now you’ve noticed that you have different aspects of yourself within you. There’s a whole committee in there!

Some common terms you may be familiar with are:

  • Inner child
  • Soul self
  • Inner guide
  • Wise self/ Sage Self / Higher Self
  • Ego
  • Inner Critic
  • Inner saboteur

When you spend time in your inner world, you’ll notice that there are a lot of other voices in there.

Some may not even be voices, but senses or feelings that stem from aspects that are so ancient they are language-less.

When you feel at odds or conflicted within yourself, it is an expression of the disharmony between these aspects of self.

In this past YOUnified Webcast, I shared a glimpse into the process of the Sacred Soul Space which is a beautiful inner space that supports deep healing and inner YOUnification. Within you exists an inner sanctuary that is infinitely supportive in resolving inner conflict to achieve personal harmony so you can thrive.

What’s right or wrong for you

What’s right, what’s wrong, what’s true, what’s false, what’s good, what’s bad, there are so many views and perspectives; it can be overwhelming, triggering and confusing.  The truth is, there is no right or wrong answer; there is just what is right or wrong for you.  When you are able to cut through the noise and hear the whisper of your inner truth, that is where you define your inner constitution, and connect to your guiding light and inner compass. It will always guide you to true North aka YOUR highest and ultimate good. And when you are well and balanced, the whole world benefits!

My role is not to tell you what to believe, it is to support you in connecting to your own inner truth and values so you can lead your life from that power position. I share this with you as my expression of my true purpose in the hopes to support you in yours.

Find your truth

All growth seekers reach the stage where enough is enough! If you’re hungry for truth and abundance and craving accelerated transformation, book your complimentary discovery call, and gain the clarity and guidance you need to move forward.

Your guide to your truth,


Anik Circle



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