From Values to Victory: The Evolution of Business

by | Jul 26, 2024 | Conscious Business, Success

Let’s cut to the chase; the traditional business model isn’t cutting it anymore. The world landscape is changing, and professionals like you seek to make a profound impact. We want to achieve more without compromising our integrity or spreading ourselves thin. We feel a deep need to align our professional aspirations with our deeper values and purpose. This shift is happening across sectors and industries around the world.


The Evolution of the Business Model

We are embracing a conscious business model (CBM) founded on awareness, intention, and alignment with inner wisdom. This approach combines spiritual practices with business strategies, all driven by a higher purpose.

Conventional business models often prioritize profits over purpose, leading to a misalignment between success and fulfillment. As Simon Sinek details in “Start with Why,” shared values foster deeper connections with employees, customers, and the global community. The conscious business model embraces this philosophy by aligning business goals with personal values, fostering integrity and sustainable success.


My Journey Towards Conscious Business

Early in my finance career, I grew tired of the industry’s focus on profits over people. The high-pressure sales and fear-based marketing left me feeling empty. I craved a service-based approach that prioritized clients’ needs and nurtured relationships. Following my heart led to opportunities to work with those who did things differently. They thrived and sparked a transformation in an industry mindset that I observed evolve over my 20 years in the industry.

This experience taught me that statements like, “That’s just how things are in ____(industry)__” are just a limited belief and not the ultimate truth. This has been proven time and time again as I witness my clients create alignment in both public and private sectors, regardless of the industry’s nature.

My clients are often surprised when I share my leap from the stock market to energy psychology. But it felt like a natural evolution; I was still following energy trends and patterns. In the market, energy trends drive various sectors, just as reading someone’s energy patterns reveals the story of their strengths and challenges. Leading with energy is essential for building a successful and purposeful life and business that will continue to grow and evolve with you.


Alignment with Core Values

Limiting Belief:I have to make compromises to compete in the marketplace.

Do you sometimes feel obligated to compromise your values to increase your income and impact, leading to frustration and disconnection?

Reality Check ➡ Alignment with Core Values Supercharges Success

Aligning your business with your core values leads to greater success. For instance, Patagonia’s commitment to sustainability has built trust and loyalty among customers and employees. Integrating your values with your professional endeavors attracts like-minded clients and partners, resulting in sustainable success measured by positive impact and fulfillment.


Enhanced Emotional Intelligence

Limiting Belief: “Emotions interfere with rational decision-making.”

Do you believe showing emotion is unprofessional and should be kept out of the workplace, focusing on quantifiable metrics and technical skills?

Reality Check ➡ Emotional Intelligence Taps into a Higher Intelligence Than Rational Thinking Alone

Sharing your passion improves relationships and inspires innovation. For instance, Zappos’ focus on emotional intelligence has led to high employee satisfaction and productivity. Understanding and valuing your team’s emotions creates an environment thriving on empathy, communication, and collaboration.

A conscious business model emphasizes emotional intelligence and mindful conversations. It fosters stronger connections and a harmonious workplace, enhances employee well-being, and drives business success through improved teamwork and customer relations.


Increased Fulfillment and Purpose

Limiting Belief: “I can’t make money doing what I love; I have to choose between security and soulful fulfillment.”

We were taught to get a job, make money, pair up, and boom—happiness. Wrong. That’s backward; that order of priorities leads to a sense of emptiness and fleeting satisfaction.

Reality Check ➡ Aligning with Your Soul’s Purpose Drives True Fulfillment

When fulfillment takes a back seat to financial success, it causes a lack of inspiration and connection. Operating a soul-led business that aligns with your purpose brings a profound sense of fulfillment. You can have both purpose and profits! Every decision and action feels meaningful, driving you to contribute positively to your community and the world. By aligning your business with your core values, you achieve financial success and find joy and purpose in your work.


Sustainable Growth

Limiting Belief: “I have to chase market trends to keep up.”

Do you feel pressured to constantly chase market trends and follow conventional success paths to achieve business success? This leads to unsustainable practices and burnout.

Reality Check ➡ Gaining a Higher Perspective Creates Sustainable Growth

You’re here to set trends, not chase them! Embracing a conscious business model (CBM) promotes sustainable growth by prioritizing a higher perspective over short-term gains. Seventh Generation exemplifies this ethos, striving to evolve into a zero-waste company by 2025, actively utilizing recycled materials for packaging, and championing environmental advocacy and community action. Their unwavering commitment to sustainability and ethical practices fuels their growth and fortifies their brand identity.

Focusing on a higher perspective creates a resilient, adaptable business aligned with your core values. This approach builds sustainable growth and fosters a loyal customer base and a positive reputation.


Real-World Impact of a Conscious Business Model

Whimsical ideology or solid strategy? The jury is in; companies embracing a conscious business model see significant benefits:

  • Profitability: A 5% increase in customer retention can boost profits by 25% to 95% (HubSpot Blog | Forsta).
  • Staff Retention: Companies see up to a 25% improvement in staff retention (Popupsmart).
  • Customer Loyalty: Loyal customers are worth up to 306% more over their lifetime, and businesses can see a 28% increase in customer loyalty (LoyaltyLion | Popupsmart).


Success Redefined

Embracing a conscious business model is a journey of aligning your professional endeavors with your soul’s purpose. It offers profound benefits, from increased fulfillment and resilience to sustainable growth and positive impact. By integrating spiritual and practical strategies, you can create a thriving business that not only achieves financial success but also nurtures the well-being of all stakeholders.

Ready to magnify your impact as you align with your deepest values in your business? Explore our Soul-Led Business Development Program and elevate your path to a prosperous, soul-led business today.

Cheers to your Success!

Anik J. Malenfant

CEO, Ascension Academy
Coach, Healer, Educator & Speaker
Executive Contributor – Brainz Magazine



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