4 Steps from Stuck to Movin’ on up

by | Dec 13, 2017 | Mindset, Subconscious Programing

Stuck with nowhere to turn?

First things first, let’s explore what’s really happening when you are stuck.

Your core behaviour pattern will be to stay within your comfort zone. That is simply human nature.
It’s not that you don’t want to expand and explore new opportunities. But your subconscious programs really love to keep you safe and will avoid any “perceived” risk at all cost.

We all have our own level of needs when it comes to safety. When you reflect on it, you probably are able to identify where you are open to exploring and where in your life you prefer to play it safe.

The catalyst for change

I know, I focus on mindset a lot. It is so instrumental; where the first domino is. Everything… and I mean EVERYTHING, begins with a thought. Yes, the catalyst is your mindset, and then your physical body releases feel-good hormones when it recognizes something familiar (regardless of whether it is good or bad). Accordingly, it releases stress hormones as you approach the edge of your comfort zone.

The chemicals trigger an emotional response. Based on the emotions and pre-programmed automated behavioural responses you are often left repeating the same sequence over and over again. This is when we feel stuck. We aren’t so much stuck as we are just reliving the same experience day in/day out.

This is why we seem to attract the same problems. It appears to us we are making a different choice, but unless you’ve shifted your mindset, then you are still using the same mould or template to make choices which is why you feel like you end up right where you started.

Step 1) Identify the cause of the “stuck-ness”

·      Circling your comfort zone?
·      Lost inspiration or perspective for something new
·      Paralyzed with fear
·      Spinning your wheels (doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result)

Generally speaking, most people get stuck because they are frozen in their current reality. This is usually caused by a real or perceived conscious or subconscious fear.

Step 2) What if you weren’t stuck?

The second step to getting “unstuck” is to put aside your current state for a moment. Explore what you would like your reality to look like instead.

As you explore this process, pay attention to your “yah buts, can’t and that’s impossible”. These are true-blue indicators of your limiting beliefs and fears. They will hold you back from aligning with the new reality you desire for yourself.

Because if you are unclear of the destination, how will you ever get there?

Step 3) Focus on what you CAN do

We stay we’re stuck because our perspective focuses on everything that isn’t possible. It’s easy for us to forget to be open and focus on what is in front of us.

Even when you are the most stuck ever!

You always choose three things:
What you think
How you feel
How you behave/Choose

No matter what!

Step 4) Be open to the opportunities

Once you set your intention and align with your desired outcome you’ll be surprised what you can attract to yourself.

I cannot tell you how many emails I’ve gotten from clients just days after their sessions with “Anik, you won’t believe what happened”.  In my position, I have witnessed first-hand the power of mindset. I know for a fact that when you put your mind to it, anything is possible.

I’m here if you need some leverage to get unstuck.

Get your move on!


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