What if the feeling of being lost was actually the first sign that you’re about to be found?
You’ve felt it. The restlessness. The quiet nudge. The internal whispers that won’t go away.
One day, things feel manageable. The next? The questions start rolling in:
✨ “I know I’m meant for more.”
✨ “I wonder what my true purpose is.”
✨ “I don’t know where to begin…”
✨ “I don’t know what to do, and I don’t know who to ask…”
At first, it’s unsettling—like being caught between who you are and who you’re meant to become.
But what if this wasn’t a crisis but a crossroads?
What if this was your invitation to something greater?
Here’s the good news: If you’re asking these questions, you’re not lost—you’re awakening.
These questions don’t signal confusion or failure; they’re the first indicators that you’re stepping into a higher level of self-awareness.
And that realization? It has the power to change everything.
When the Questions Become Too Loud to Ignore
For me, these feelings didn’t arrive as a single epiphany but as a slow, creeping realization—one I tried to push aside for years.
I had built a career in finance over many years, thriving in a world that glorified logic, certainty, and hard facts. Success, by conventional standards, was within reach. Some would say “I had made it”. Yet, despite the achievements, something was missing—like I was checking all the right boxes but living someone else’s image of success.
The sad part is that I didn’t even consider that my life could change directions. The thought never crossed my mind.
So, instead, I swallowed the growing sense of dread that greeted me every morning and kept pushing forward, to where, I really didn’t know.
I mean, I had poured blood, sweat, and tears into building my career. I had worked so hard to get here. What was wrong with me that I wasn’t happier? Why couldn’t I just be grateful?
I didn’t allow myself to even entertain a new direction because, in my mind, it came at an impossible cost—losing everything I had worked so hard to achieve.
That is, until one morning, when I couldn’t shake the weight pressing on my chest—the elephant of dread that refused to be ignored.
And in that moment, I finally asked myself:
“There’s got to be more to life than this?”
That discomfort—that gnawing sense that I wasn’t fully aligned—wasn’t a sign of failure. It was my awakening.
Fast-forward to today, and I can see so clearly that those questions weren’t barriers; they were invitations—nudges from my soul guiding me toward launching my soul-led business, embracing my purpose, and helping others navigate their own evolution with clarity and confidence.
But back then? It was terrifying. It felt like my world was collapsing around me.
If you’re in that place right now—wondering if there’s more but unsure how to find it—you’re not alone. In fact, I want you to take a deep breath right now and know you’re exactly where you need to be.
Why These Questions Feel So Unsettling
There’s actually a psychological and neurological reason why these questions feel so intense. Your brain is wired for predictability and stability—so when you begin questioning your current reality, wondering if there’s something more for you, your subconscious perceives it as a threat to the comfortable familiar.
🧠 Neuroscience calls this “cognitive dissonance.” It’s the mental discomfort that arises when your inner truth no longer aligns with your external reality.
🤓 Psychologists call it an “identity shift.” It’s the gap between who you were taught to be and who you’re becoming.
🧘 Spiritually, calls it an “awakening.” It’s when your soul starts nudging you toward something greater.
Your subconscious doesn’t like uncertainty—it likes patterns and familiarity. That’s why when you start asking these big questions, your mind tries to pull you back into what’s comfortable.
This is where most people either freeze… or leap.
So, how do you choose to leap forward? You need to move from questioning to clarity.
Making Sense of It All
If you’ve been stuck in the loop of questioning, here’s how to shift into answering them:
Start With What Matters Most
Your values are your internal compass. If you don’t know where you’re going, you certainly won’t get there. Start by defining what truly matters to you.
✔ Ask yourself: What qualities or principles have always guided me, even when life felt uncertain?
✔ Action step: Make a list of your top 5 Emotional Priorities; non-negotiable values that you feel compromised without.
(Examples: Freedom, Connection, Fun, Impact, Peace)
Separate Who You Are From Who You Were Told to Be
From childhood, we absorb societal norms, family expectations, and cultural conditioning that shape how we see ourselves. But are those definitions truly ours?
This is where discernment comes in—the ability to separate your authentic self from the roles and labels you were given.
✔ Ask yourself:
- What aspects of my identity feel chosen vs. imposed?
- Where am I living according to external expectations rather than internal truth?
- What beliefs about success, happiness, or purpose were handed to me—but don’t actually fit?
✔ Action step: Identify one belief or expectation you’ve outgrown and rewrite it.
(Example: “Success means sacrifice” → “Success means alignment.”)
You’re Not Alone in This
✨ You are not lost. You are evolving.
✨ You are not behind. You are awakening.
✨ You are not stuck. You are being invited to grow.
✨ You don’t have to figure it out alone—when you ask, the right mentor will resonate.
Every single one of my clients who has stepped into their highest path started with these same questions.
And while it may feel like a lonely journey, this phase of awakening is something so many of us go through—it’s a quiet initiation into a new way of being. It’s carrying forward the wisdom, lessons, and strengths you’ve gained while stepping confidently into the life you’re consciously creating. The restless feeling, the deep questioning, the sense that you’re standing on the edge of something unknown… these are all signs that you are ready for expansion. It’s not about having all the answers today—it’s about trusting that asking the right questions is the path to unlocking the answers.
And here’s some more good news—you don’t have to navigate this alone like I did. There is a better way.
Where to Go From Here
If you’re standing at the edge of something bigger but aren’t sure how to step forward, I invite you to explore the Soul-Led Evolution Mentorship.
Inside, you’ll find this and more:
❣️ Deep healing and activation calls
❣️ Personalized guidance to navigate this transition
❣️ A community of like-minded souls walking this path with you
💫 Click here to explore the Soul-Led Evolution Mentorship
And remember—where you are right now isn’t the end of the path. It’s the beginning of something great!