Make it rain when you’re having a personal drought

by | Aug 22, 2018 | Healing, Mindset, Self-love, Subconscious Programing, Success, Transformation

A personal drought

Our grass turned brown so we planted weeds. Sounds ridiculous right?
In this recent near month-long heatwave, most lawns are taking a beating, but the weeds are thriving. They have deep roots.
On the subconscious level, many of us do exactly that. When things start to dry up in life or you have a period of hardship, you begin to seed beliefs of unworthiness, hopelessness, resentment, envy or unfairness. You don’t do this consciously for the most part. That underlying current of feelings you’ve shoved down nice and deep plays a major part in this.
One way to know if you’ve got weeds in your freshly-mowed lawn is when something doesn’t line up for you, what’s your response? Is it a feeling of dread, fear, frustration, or do you outright yell up at the sky with NOT AGAIN! Why can’t I get a break, why me?

When will the rain come?

Maybe you’re a positive person and you pop up and move into the perspective that this change may have a positive outcome, but what I would like for you to explore is that initial, automatic feelings… That’s where the deeper patterns express themselves.
Another sure-fire way is when the rains dry up your weeds pop up again. In real terms, you keep reliving the same pattern over and over again. Those patterns, just like those weeds have deep roots, they pop up when we’re aren’t at our best.
Have you ever wondered how to make it rain when you’re having a personal drought? Take a good look at how you emotionally respond in difficult situations, see what pops up for you when you aren’t having a rocking day. Listen to your internal dialogue and be honest about how you are talking to yourself.

Some assistance helping you to bloom

If you need some help weeding, ThetaHealing is a perfect tool to do just that. It helps to identify and pull the unwanted thoughts, feelings and behaviours that are often a leading cause of your personal drought.

If you are ready to take the reins of your life and reboot your reality to one of your dreams, check out my self-directed programs or book a clarity call if you are truly committed.

Yours in positive growth,




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