Aligning with Wealth Consciousness

Your complimentary program; discover the importance, benefits and process of  to shift your perspective to prosperity through planting the seeds of wealth consciousness

Our private Mastermind group is where you will join fellow heart-based souls sharing their support in this challenge as well as additional guidance on how to use the below member's only tools.

Join the Mastermind Group

Your  Challenge Tools - More to follow!

Day 1 - Authentic Desire

Give yourself permission to have a big audacious goal! Aim high, make your "shopping list" then review what is your authentic desire and what may be a miss-directed want. Remember one attracts what you want and the other creates more lack!

Feel free to use  the Dream Machine® Meditation and bath in the energy of your desires and the image of your dream life.  Let the details come to you in their own time, begin just by giving yourself permission to feel what it would be like to be living your Dream Life.

This practice is a great way to kick start your creation process

The Dream Machine ®

The Dream Machine is a foundational exercise that is three-fold;


  1. It is to help you to overcome the limiting beliefs and perspectives of your conscious mind so to bring your deepest souls desires and aspirations to the forefront.

  2. It is to support you in recognizing what subconscious fears or perceived limitations you may have surrounding your desired outcome.

  3. It is to leverage your creation, inspiration as well as utilize the power of your vibration to support you in achieving your goals.

⬇️      More Challenge Tools Below      ⬇️

Day 2 - Focus on Feeling

Your bottom desire is often illustrated by the feeling you acquire by achieving your goal. Focus on the FEELING and fast track your creation and manifesting power!!!

Desire vs. Want Worksheet

⬇️      More Tools Below      ⬇️

Day 3 - Challenge your "buts"

When discovering your perceived conditions and limitations to achieving desires, explore and challenge your buts... remember when you hear yourself say... I'd like this but.... whatever follows your but is the expression of your limiting perspective.

Ps. Use the desire vs. want workbook and limiting belief guide to help you with this step of the challenge.


Day 4 - Attitude of Gratitude

Your vibration of gratitude directly improves your creation energy!
Remember if you are trying to manifest something, be sure to recognize, acknowledge and bath in the feeling of appreciation and gratitude event if it's in the most minute of quantities.

Muscle Testing Tutorial

Muscle Testing helps you to recognize your hidden subconscious truths and develops your conscious and subconscious communication for deeper self-awareness.

  • In order to create the life you desire, you first need to be clear on what that actually is. Many dilute their creation power as they are unclear on what they desire and have become complacent in their current reality. Dream Life Worksheet 


  • This worksheet is to support you in identifying your authentic desires.  When you are clear on your bottom desire, then your capacity to manifest this desire is greatly increased as your creation energy is less diluted by unclear wants. It's ok to want "stuff" or things to happen, the point of this exploration is to ensure that you are not trying to manifest one thing to try to achieve something else such as in the examples below. Desire vs. Want Worksheet
  • Your fears are often your biggest blocks to achieving your goals.  Use this technique to support you in releasing them so that you can move in the direction of your dreams. *Coming Soon*
  • Use this general questionnaire as a guide connect with your inner programs and your current truths.  Practicing the process of muscle testing can be very beneficial as you will begin to create a dialogue between your conscious/sub-conscious improving your self-awareness and give yourself an opportunity to make a different conscious choice. *Coming Soon*

Facebook Live Wealth Consciousness Challenge

Tell us and the Universe what you desire!  Share your Facebook Live video #WealthMindset and allow the group to leverage your energetic point of attraction!

Upcoming Webinar Schedule

January 24th @ 1PM ADT

Divine Purpose Webinar

February 14th @ 1PM ADT

Love your Life Webinar

Still want more... get on the waitlist for our

6-Week Manifesting Abundance

Online Program

I have taken many, may courses & programs over the years and Anik’s Manifesting Abundance is by far the best one!

~ Lori

The Manifesting Abundance Course has easily been my favourite class. It has opened my eyes & soul to the unlimited possibilities we can attract for ourselves with proper guidance and tools. Thanks Anik for being such a great inspiration!

~ Kristy Collicutt

Thank you Anik, for once again, putting together a wonderful course. My journey for the last 6 weeks has transported me from being stuck to moving at the speed of light! I am truly grateful for this journey thus far, and look forward to the next chapter in my book of life.

You are wonderfully inspiring and I love your energy!

~ Janet

Prefer to join us LIVE in our Location?  >>   6-Week Manifesting Abundance Program

Get me on the Waitlist!

© 2013-2016 Mastering Ascension - All Rights Reserved

Anik J. Malenfant

Anik J. Malenfant

Transformational Mentor & Educator

Anik has the honor of being a resource to individuals who are striving towards finding personal empowerment, personal fulfillment and abundant joy.

Her passion is being of service to her clients and students and seeing them achieve their deepest desires and aspirations.

She lives and loves to empower people as she herself spent many years feeling dis-empowered and controlled by her life and circumstances. Anik’s learning came at a young age as a witness and victim of domestic abuse. Living her life in a way that she thought she “should”… the Universe brought her an amazing opportunity of awakening when her curiosity and interest of human will was catapulted to a passion and a way of life when she had two consecutive car accidents then diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2004.

After overcoming her injuries and prognosis through complimentary health, it opened her consciousness to a new dimension of herself and what is possible when you believe. Anik’s fifteen years experience on the corporate stage brought much learning for business development, but what never sat right with her was the sales approach and the fear based employee motivational techniques for productions. These experiences gifted her with the opportunity to develop an array of comprehensive stress management tools, and a deep understanding of how to motivate with passion and purpose and how to create abundance from the heart. She enjoys supporting corporations, entrepreneurs and and all around go-getters create a supportive, productive and both personally and professional fulfilling and abundance existence.

Her capacity to support and relate to her clients and students no matter their goals is immediately felt by her engaging, accepting and non-judgemental nature.  She believes that everyone has the capacity to create the experience they desire through their thoughts, feelings and actions; she is humbled to have the honour of witnessing her clients do just that.

To love and be passionate in both your personal and work life is the best gift anyone could ever wish for. In Anik’s words, “I love being able to be my client’s advocate, friend, cheerleader and biggest fan.  They deserve it, it’s a blessing to have the opportunity to share in their joy of this discovery each day.”

Live life expecting miracles…it’s better then the alternative!

Anik J. Malenfant, Transformational Mentor & Educator